Fenóis totais no cafeeiro em razão das fases de frutificação e do clima. / Total phenols in the coffee tree due to the fructification phases and the climate.




The vegetables show a natural defense against external factors, biotic and abiotic, by the synthesis of the phenolic compounds in the secondary metabolism, which varies with the maturity state and with the climate. The increase of phenolic compounds in the plants is directly related to the resistance to the infection thought pathogens and insect infestation. However, little is known about the variation in the content of this substance during the maturity state of the coffee tree, particularly in the fructification phases due to the climatic variations. Such knowledge is the base for the risks analyses of attacks to vegetables, since the natural defense of the plant shall change during the cycle. The experiment was carried out in a Coffea arabica L. crop, to cultivar Obatã IAC 1669-20, installed in the experimental field of the department of vegetal production of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", University of São Paulo, Piracicaba/SP. For the accomplishment of the experiment it was adopted a totally randomized experimental design, using four treatments (plants with and without fruits – drain leaves and plants with and without fruits – source leaves) and five repetitions consisting of individual plants. After analysing the variance of the results it was applied Student t test at the level of 5 % of significance to compare the averages between the treatments. The total phenol grade (µg g-1) have been extracted from the mature (source) and new (drain) leaves and have been analyzed in relation to the coffee yield, phenology and climate. The climatic conditions adopted were atmospheric temperature (average, minimum and maximum; oC), global radiation (MJ m-2 day-1) and daily insolation (h day-1). During the conduction of the experiment it was analyzed the evaluations of the height (cm), diameter (mm) and length of the reproductive branches (cm) to determine the respective vegetative growth rates of the plants. The determined amounts of total phenols in the plants with production (17.40 µg g-1 and 13.89 µg g-1 drain and source leaves, respectively) and without coffee production (18.65 µg g-1 and 12.76 µg g-1 drain and source leaves, respectively) did not varied. However, the total phenol concentrations in new leaves of the plants with and without coffee production were greater than the amount determined in mature leaves around 25 % and 46 %, respectively. The secondary substance synthesis in the phases of expansion (16.35 µg g-1) and grain filling of the fruits (14.68 µg g-1) was 31% lower than the amounts determined in the phase of the greatest production of these substances - fruit in maturation (21.24 µg g-1). The total phenol metabolization depends indirectly on the temperature (oC) and on the global radiation (MJ m-2 day-1), presenting inverse trend in relation to these climatic variable. The orientation of the crop protection managing shall take into consideration the period when it has endangerment of the natural defense of the plant.


coffea arabical energia solar temperatura atmosférica global radiation fenologia atmospheric temperature insolation frutificação crescimento insolação café folhas – plantas mature leaves (source) clima new leaves (drain)

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