Feixes de arco-íris : uma compreensão ontológico- policrômica da sensibilidade e sua fruição no fenômeno do educar.




The meditations I envision arise from the in-tensities of my restlessness and fright when I face the phenomena of the existence and of the action of educating; they present an ?ontological-polychrome comprehension of Sensitivity and its delight in a Philanthropoetic view. A view that wants to intertwine the enthusiasm of the philosophical-anthropological, and the chromaticity of the poetic, while envisioning the polyphony and the polychromy of the pregnant and animistic Senses of the theme. I therefore present Sensitivity (Sensus) as a dis-position status, with a broad opening of our affective and poetic perceptive senses, in which body and spirit coexist in a co-implicated way, for polycromic comprehension and living of the Senses of human existing and co-existing; as a state of relinquishment of the inventive and proud spirit, of the creative and moving pathos, for the living of the world feeling, of the being-being-with-the-others, of the in-tensities of the complexity and of the ambiguities of human condition. In this understanding horizon, Sensitivity is built since the magmatic basis of a Corporeal status, Intuition, Affectiveness, Mythopoetic and Reason-Sense. Structuring basis that are kept in a recurrent and intertwined way. After that, I present meditations comprising the education phenomenon as a theoretical-living action that implies in the delight of Sensitivity. For this purpose, I inspire myself both on the resonances of the voices of several students that emerge from hearing about the lived/living, as in the energy of theoretical incursions. I therefore present meditations about education, understanding it as a live initiation rite that translates itself in in-tensive processes of con-duction to knowledge and feelings which make the dynamics of ethos; in the care for the androgenic wholeness to be-being-with; with the beginning of primitive human values, of the soul Senses, of the care with Sensitivity. Last, as ?Nonconcluding conclusions?, I defend that, being the delight of Sensibility predominant, the educational action unfolds in Pedagogy of charming as se-ducere that leads to the sprouting of the creative pathos, of the ad-mirable, of the vital enthusiasm, of the daring and proud spirit; that brings about passion and enthusiasm, bonds of liking and empathy; that leads to the delight of the pregnant and soul Senses in the surpassing of the inspiring illuminating set of light beams of the rainbow, which reveal the polychromies of the poeticism of existing, of co-existing.


charm intuição corporeal status intuition mitopoético sensibilidade sentido encantamento educate mythopoetic sensitivity affectiveness reason afetividade corporeidade educacao razão sense educar

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