Falas e atravessamentos no discurso dos pais sobre participação na escola dos filhos




This project emerges from the experience with Educational Psychology with the purpose of to comprehend the several manners of family participation at the scholar life of their children, and also the intentionality or involvement of them on the activities and needs of a relational demand family/school. This research is entailed to the research line Discuss and Educative Practices of the Mastering Program in Education/FURB. The data acquisition has occurred using questionnaires with parents of 4th grade of Elementary School I, in public schools on surrounding area of Blumenau. The theoretical support of the research comes from authors of Analysis of Discuss and is supported interdisciplinarly on Educational Psychology. The approach of the study is quantitave/qualitative, because the questionnaire is divided in two parts: a) interviewed personal identification data, schooling grade, professional activity, family and civic situation, working time and b) parents or other responsibles participation at scholar activities of their children. In the first part, the results show a higher age between 25 and 45 years old, 48,9% of parents or other responsible work in commercial time. In the second part, it is shown the participation of the parents in their childrens scholar life, once they are connected with their scholar calendar, homework, researches and school paper, school calling for talking, besides other things. Concerning to the types of activities the school offer, stand out meetings to deliver the grades and meeting for compliments. We can perceive that many parents restrict their participation on their children scholar life when they are called by the school to the offered activities, as in monitoring of the gotten results or the behavior the children have that is not in accordance with the rules or standards established by school. Linking the diagnosis with the questionnaire, it is observed that parents, most of them, have at least high school. But when the question is their participation, they limit themselves to the things provided by the school calendar. The school calendar is reticent about the timetable released by the school with teachers, to attend outside of periods of deliveries of school performance


participação school homework participation família escola psicologia educacional school family tarefa escolar

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