ExploraÃÃo biotecnolÃgica de microrganismos de solo de cerrado atravÃs da construÃÃo de bibliotecas metagenÃmicas e tÃcnicas de cultivo




The Cerrado is Brazilâs second biggest biome (22%), distinguished for its fauna and flora diversity. Few studies about its soil microbiane diversity have been carried out, and the main reason that the knowledge about microorganisms is limited is that, until not long ago, these had to be cultivated in order to be described. Of a cerrado soil sample, metagenomic DNA was extracted for the construction of a metagenomic library in vectors of heterologous expression to increase the chance of detecting activities, that are interesting to the pharmaceutical and agribusiness industry. In this way, 27000 clones were obtained using a metagenomic approach, which will be evaluated in regards to expression of activities of biotechnological interest. Although the molecular techniques facilitate the biotechnological exploration of the microbiota associated with environmental samples, the traditional culture technique is still of great contribution to the phenotypical characterization of microbiane communities. With the purpose of decreasing the ratio between non-cultivable and cultivable microorganisms and to understand the reason of this discrepancy, new methods of culturing, new techniques and inacubation apparotatus were developed. Using the new culture technique two new bacterial species (Paenibacillus and Streptomyces) were described that showed great biotechnological potential. The biotechnological explorations of the microbiote of the Cerrado soil, using modern molecular techniques and classic culture techniques converge to the objective of searching for properties that have biotechnological value


culture soil cerrado biotecnologia; cerrados; solos; cultivo cerrado metagenoma solo metagenome biologia e fisiologia dos microorganismos

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