Experienced language: speech and silence in El zorro de arriba y El zorro de abajo of José María Arguedas / A língua (vi)vida: palavra e silêncio em El zorro de arriba y El zorro de abajo de José María Arguedas




This thesis aims at analyzing the representation of silence as speech phenomenon in the work El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo by José María Arguedas. Such approach passes through the relating of silence as a constitutive element of every discourse. From a perspective focused on Focault, Orlandi and on the enunciative theory of Authier-Revuz, the forms representing silence will be analyzed both in the autobiographic speech (diarios) and in the novel narrative (hervores). From the analysis of the construction of an image of the subject (Arguedas), under the appearance of unit and cohesion of the enunciation, the fragmented and divided constitution of its identity will be observed, crossed by the Other of himself. In this work, it will be verified that the conception of word linked to the matter of things and to life, according to the author, goes against the process of erosion of the speeches. The search for the literary language in a utopic and mythical manner, suffers a process of demolition in the work, which results in the word that translates the suffering of naming through the absence, the babbling and the silences.


josé maría arguedas autobiografia autobiography speech analysis análise do discurso josé maría arguedas linguagem silence language silêncio

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