Evangelical religion marks on the females bidily education : its implications for Physical Education at school / Marcas da religião evangelica na educação do corpo feminino : implicações para a educação fisica escolar




This study starts from the Human Sciences theoretical frame of reference, specifically ethnographic research, aiming to understand how the usages and customs of a given religious group would influence the bodily education of its followers. The objective of this research was to understand how the bodily education of girls who follow Igreja Evangélica Assembléia de Deus (a Protestant church) takes place starting from religion; how it becomes visible in the actions and gestures of such girls, and which are its implications concerning Physical Education classes. There are ways to move around (gestures), ways to dress up, ways to conceive the wearing of adornments and beauty techniques which are specific of this religious group. The fact is all such bodily characteristics educated by Church make their way into school through our students, entailing a reflection on the part of teachers and researchers of the subject. Thus, this study is constituted as an Ethnography conducted within an Igreja Evangélica Assembléia de Deus church, in the city of Campinas, SP. The field research was conducted between March 2006 and December 2007, by means of such procedures as participant observation with simultaneous registration of data and semi-structured interviews with the Minister, with some members of the group and, specially, with the selected girls. All interviews were recorded and transcribed afterwards. As for the theoretical frame of reference, Sociology, Anthropology and Physical Education authors were used. Émile Durkheim and Marcel Mauss were necessary for the understanding of the religious phenomenon in its source. An other key author was the contemporary anthropologist Clifford Geertz, who allowed us to look at religion with attention to its symbols and significations, i.e., understanding it as a cultural phenomenon meaningful to society. Besides, I use authors who deal specifically with the chosen religious branch and religion, which allowed the understanding of the evangelical religious phenomenon nowadays. The study made possible the understanding of the extent to which the body of the evangelical girls is educated by religion. From the speech of the girls themselves on the subject it was possible to understand the way how religious education generates implications for the Physical Education class, since this is a discipline which has as its main constituent the elements of the culture of movement. While Physical Education, by means of its contents, educates the body of its students, they already reach school with a set of gestures impressed on their bodies; gestures resulting from the several forms of education received outside school, among which we can quote religious education


corpo physical education body evangelical religion educação fisica education religião educação

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