Estudo fitoquÃmico e biolÃgico de Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn. f. (Mangue branco)




The family Combretaceae possesses species used in the popular medicine in the treatment of several diseases. The genius Laguncularia presents as only species the Laguncularia racemosa and it is typical of mangroves communities. The stem bark of Laguncularia racemosa, known popularly as white mangrove, they are used in the popular medicine to combat dysentery and in cases of afta, fever and scurvy. It presents round leaves with a red petiole containing two characteristic circular glands and free terminal inflorescÃncias. This species represents the second largest participation in numbers of individuals, in the mangroves communities of Vila Velha, located in the Island of Itamaracà (PE). In spite of this mangroves it was recently theme of countless scientific researches, there are not registrations of studies fitoquÃmicos of Laguncularia racemosa in this it adapts. In this work we accomplished the screening fitoquÃmico of the leaves of the plant in agreement with the methodology described by Matos. We evaluated the activity antimicrobiana of the extracts for the diffusion method in paper disks and activity citotoxic with cells of the Cellular Lineage NCI-H292. The n-hexanic extract was submitted to chromatographyc division. The obtained fractions were purified and analyzed by chromatographyc methods. The obtained compounds were analyzed by mass spectra, IR, 1HNMR, 13CNMR, and identified as triterpenes pentacyclics and esterols


quimica dos produtos naturais laguncularia racemosa (l.) estudo fitoquÃmico e biolÃgico gaertn. f. (mangue branco)

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