Estudo experimental de consolos de concreto com fibras moldados em etapas distintas dos pilares / Experimental research of reinforced fiber concrete corbels shaped in distinct stage to the column




The industrial production of traditional corbel presents some difficulties due to the great quantity of reinforcement in a small space. Beyond the main bars, it is generally used vertical and horizontal stirrups. This experimental study proposes a corbel shaped in the prior stage to the column, with the reinforcement and surfaces prepared to the later connection with the column during the molding of it. The corbel has only the reinforcement of main bars and steel fibers incorporated to the concrete matrix, without vertical or horizontal stirrups. In some models were used a kind of alternative secondary reinforcement. The main variables analyzed were the reinforcement rate and the arrangement of the main bars. The addition of fibers to the corbel reduced the crack in the compressed diagonal and increased the resistance to rupture of corbels in 8%, presenting a reasonable ductility even after the maximum load. With the increase of reinforcement of main bars in the corbel with fibers, the resistance to rupture was 69% greater. Considering the baseline of service load of traditional corbel, models shaped in distinct stages presented crack openings 33% larger, in spite of taking a longer time to show up. However, when the rate of primary reinforcement was increased, the models shaped in distinct stages had cracks 23% smaller than the traditional corbel.


corbel experimental test precast fibras metálicas ensaio experimental consolo steel fibers pré-moldado

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