Estudo dos efeitos do campo eletromagnético na cicatrização de anastomoses intestinais modelo experimental em ratos




The healing of intestinal anastomosis is the subject of several studies. Researchers seek its improvement designed to prevent the occurrence of peritonitis, which represent serious surgical complications, with high rates of morbidity and mortality. The properties of electromagnetism have been described as an adjuvant factor in the regeneration and healing of tissues. This search aimed to study the effects of electromagnetism on intestinal healing and the best time of their application in animals undergoing colonic anastomosis. Thirty Wistar rats, adult male, weighing 200 g and 300 g were divided into three groups with 10 animals each, were subjected to cross-section of the colon 4 cm distal to the cecum, followed by end to end anastomosis with sutures. The re-operation in all groups, occurred 72 hours after the intervention, and the resected intestinal segment containing the anastomosis. Animals in Group I were not exposed to the electromagnetic field were considered controls. Animals in Group II were exposed to the electromagnetic field in the postoperative period (three cycles of two hours, with intervals of twenty-four hours between cycles). Animals in Group III were exposed to the electromagnetic field in the preoperative period (three cycles of two hours with an interval of twenty-four hours between cycles in the two days prior to the intervention). The intestinal segments were resected including 2 cm of bowel on either side. These segments were submitted to test burst pressure and histological examinations to assess healing. The statistical analysis showed that the values of burst pressure were significantly higher in Group II compared to the other (p <0.05). Histological analysis of fragments of the anastomosis stained with hematoxylin-eosin showed exacerbation of the healing process in Group II compared to the other, based on the range last Ehrlich and Hunt, (p <0.05). Was also found increased levels of newly formed collagen in Group II (p <0.05). It was concluded that exposure to electromagnetic field within 72 hours after colonic anastomoses in rats interferes positively in the healing process based on physical parameters and histological findings.


ratos wistar decs cirurgia teses. cicatrização de feridas decs oftalmologia teses. cirurgia teses. campos eletromagnéticos/uso terapêutico decs intestino decs anastomose cirúrgica decs dissertação da faculdade de medicina da ufmg. colo decs dissertações acadêmicas decs

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