Estudo dos casos de intoxicação ocasionadas pelo uso de agrotóxicos no estado do Paraná, durante o período de 1993 a 2000 / Cases of intoxication caused by the use of pesticides in the State of Paraná during the period of 1993 to 2000: a study




The state of Paraná is responsible for more than 20% of the national grain production. Its agricultural structure is organized in small and mediumsized properties where the labor force comes mainly from families. In order to mantain and also increase productivity, the agriculture system in Paraná makes intensive use of the available products in the market, such as pesticides, where Paraná is considered to be the second largest consumer in Brazil. The massive sale of these products, the user’s low schooling level and the careless use of the products result in intoxications. Based on all that, the present study aimed at identifying and characterizing the profile of populations informedly intoxicated by pesticides in the state of Paraná during the period from 1993 to 2000, as well as proposing preventive measures in order to help such exposed populations. Therefore, the acute intoxications informed during the period from 1993 a 2000 refering to the State of Paraná Health Department databank were analyzed. The intoxications were analyzed according to the following variables: sex, age, location of occurrence, contamination method, occupation, final evolution (cure or death), and pesticides class and chemical group. After the data tabulation, the variables were related to the Regional Centers which compose the State of Paraná Agriculture Department and the intoxications were correlated to the áreas of six different crops (fruits, winter and summer crops, vegetable crops, large vegetable crops and other crops). The results show that most of the intoxications took place during professional activities (53.1%), and insecticides were the agents causing most of the intoxications (37.9%) and deaths (42%). Most of the intoxicated people were males (79.8%) between 18 and 23 years old, with the largest number of intoxications (21.2%) and deaths (15.8%). The largest death rate occurred due to suicide attempts (86%), mainly between the ages of 18 and 23 (16.1%). The rural area accounted for most of the occurrences (65%), in individuals somehow connected to agricultural jobs (63%). The main contamination methods for a professional reason were the respiratory tract with 58.3% of the cases and its combinations with the other tracts (82.2%). For the cause of suicide the digestive tract was the most relevant, with 95.7% of the informed cases. The north region (composed by the regional centers of Apucarana, Cornélio Procópio, Ivaiporã, Jacarezinho, Londrina and Maringá) had the highest number of intoxications (43.1%) and deaths (37%), mainly caused by organophosphates. The Correlation analysis showed the relationship between informed notifications and the winter and summer crop areas, as well as fruit and vegetable crops, was positive. Easy access, together with inadequate storage of pesticides and premature participation in agricultural activities resulted in the occurrence of intoxications and deaths in underaged individuals. The dipyridylium herbicides, even being sold strictly under agronomic prescription associated to the aplication guide, did not imped the occurrence of intoxications and deaths of pesticides’s users.


consumidor – característica intoxicação occupational health toxicologia ocupacional saúde ocupacional toxicologia – classificação toxicology occupational toxicology consumer pesticida rural worker trabalhador rural intoxication pesticide

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