Estudo do processo de destilação molecular para a obtenção de ß-caroteno (pró-vitamina A) a partir do óleo de palma / Study of the molecular distillation process to obtein beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A) from palm oil


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Currently, the substitution of artificial supplies by natural products in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics areas, is acquiring an important worldwide position. In this regard, Brazil is placed on a prominent due to its great potential in natural resources and agriculture products. However, the low technological capacity for processing these resources turns Brazil into an exporter of raw materials, losing in this way, the large market opportunity that emerges for natural products. The production process of all these products depends on molecular distillation process or supercritical extraction process in some of their stages. Molecular distillation presents advantages in comparison to others separating and/or concentration techniques, because there is no need of introducing other components to the natural products, which is a desired characteristic by the market. This dissertation studied the recovery of the carotenoids from palm oil by molecular distillation process, with the specifications demanded by national and international markets. Among the roles played by carotenoids, it could be mentioned the prevention and treatment of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, and photosensitive disorders of the immune system. In addition, they have antioxidant and provitamin A properties The carotenes extraction began with the treatment of the crude palm oil. It was necessary some steps prior to molecular distillation process to work in milder conditions. These steps were neutralization and transesterification reactions. After this, the oil was added to the molecular distiller, where it can be obtained a carotenes recovery from 306 ppm to 29000 ppm of concentration. In addition to the carotenoids, another two important products were obtained; one was biodiesel, with market demands, and the other one was soap, which was produced with the fatty acids formed along the neutralization step


destilação molecular caroteno palm oil transesterification molecular distillation carotenoids Óleo de palma transesterificação

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