Estudo de painéis com abertura constituídos por alvenaria estrutural de blocos / Study of block masonry walls with openings




The present thesis deals with the behavior of block masonry walls with openings. The development of the work was motivated bya a previous study, where the author verified the large influence of the lintels on the behavior of the bracing system of structural masonry buildings. The main aspect of the study was the meticulous evaluation of the coupled effect provided by the lintels. Many experimental tests on third-scale models were carried out to analyze the phenomenon in a qualitative way, without the compromise of determinging correlations to the prototypes. Several configurations of isolated walls and panels with door and window openings were tested, evaluating the coupling action provided by the lintels. The effects of different pre-compression values and the presence f constructive steel bars were include on the study. The analaysis of the experimental results was performed in two stages: application of the vertical force before the application of horizontal force at the top. In the first stage axial strains were measured with the corresponding assessment of the longitudinal Young modulus of the panels. Te second stage included the stiffness computation and the evaluation of the non-linearity in a general sense, the strains on the lintel and the walls, and the critical cracking areas, such as wall s bases and corners. Experimental results were compared with those obtained with Finite Element modeling of the panels. Finally simplified models were presented for the linear phase of walls with openings and the non-linear behavior of the isolated panels.


ações horizontais painéis com abertura experimentação alvenaria estrutural modelos reduzidos

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