Estudo da umidade ascendente em painéis de alvenaria de blocos cerâmicos / Study of rising dump in masonry walls


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The government s housing programs, specifically the Minha Casa, Minha Vida, move the economy of the construction industry in a positive way. But the market is struggling to hire labor and adjust construction costs to the amount financed by Caixa Economica Federal. Given this situation, several studies point to a high concern about the amount of housing units built, instead of the durability criteria required by the quality programs. Despite numerous technical standards and quality programs available to guide construction services, the occurrence of pathologies on housing is relevant. Among the most common occurrences is the masonrys degradation by the action of moisture. The objective of this work is to study of rising damp in masonries walls. The methodology used was the construction of prototypes of walls supported by ground beams. Each of the 18 types of walls studied was built adopting different solutions for the type of waterproofing treatment for the ground beams; the relative position of the sub floor concerning the ground beams and for the age of mortars paint coatings. The construction methods adopted are very usual in housing construction projects. By measuring the ascending humidity upward the prototypes, this study intends to contribute on the identification of best construction practices.


patologia alvenaria umidade ascensão capilar engenharia civil umidade em edifícios patologia de construção pathology mansonry moisture rising damp

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