Estudo de amplificadores usando transistores bipolares em microondas




The purpose of this study is to present the basic concepts for designing microwave bipolar transistor amplifiers. In this work the transistor is considered to be a two-port device characterized by the scattering parameters. These scattering (S) parameters are measured for specific bias conditions over the desired frequency range (1 to 2 GHz). The rules for the design of narrow-band amplifiers can be summarized as fal1ows: (l) Calculate a set of power gain circles using the S parameters and draw these circles on the Smith chart; (2) Se1ect the desired gain and determine the input and output ref1ection coefficients of the device; (3) Synthesize matching networks which will transform the source and load impedances (50?) to the impedances corresponding to the input and output ref1ection coefficients, respectively. Designing a broadband amplifier with classical methods is a matter of surrounding a transistor with two matching networks in order to compensate for the variation of the unilateral transducer gain with frequency. The optimization of these input and output matching networks is done by a trial-and-error process in this work. A maximum power gain amplifier and an octave-band amplifier were designed and constructed with the aid of a computer, and the performance of the amplifiers was measured and found to follow closely the predictions of the theoretical studies


amplificadores transistorizados transistores de microondas transistores bipolares

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