Estética utilitária: interação através da experiência sensível com a publicidade




This thesis analyses the interactional relations released by aesthetic experiences with advertisements published in national and international magazines of great issue. Two dimensions of interaction are contemplated in the study: the first one explores, in a broad range, the convergences, mixtures and dialogues that the mediatic industry and advertising establish with different spheres of culture, according to the contributions of hybridism and dialogy.The second dimension, of empiric nature, deals with the interactive relations that spring from the aesthetic experiences with advertising, according to the contributions of discoursive semiotics. The experience with advertisements occurs under the domain of a sensible and peculiar conduction, named here utilitarian aesthetics. Utilitarian aesthetics refer to a characteristic modality which is able to arouse sensibility by means of mediatic operations that subordinate,as much as possible, the aesthetic to the affective and intend to product a maximum of sensorial and emotional contact, in order to institute something warmly real


publicidade estética utilitária anúncios publicitários comunicacao

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