A relação entre o supra-sensível e o sensível: estética e teleologia na filosofia kantiana da história.




For Kant, reason cannot seize itself outside of its determinations in time. While affecting itself through the form of time, reason divides itself in two parts: the active and unconditioned part which involves the freedom domain (the supersensible) and the passive part which appears as empirical subject determined by the chaining up in the series of time. Contrary to Plato, the supersensible and the sensible are definitely connected in Kant. Even though the supersensible is beyond time, it is nothing without time. Therefore both parts of the subject must be brought as closer as possible to the point in which the supersensible (as freedom) phenomenalizes itself in time and reshape the semblance of the world. Such a process must be possible through history, which includes Culture, Politics and Law. In Kant, philosophy of history is a theory framed by the free exercise of the faculty of judgment which, through the teleological reflexive judgment, interprets the series of time and nature as being favorable to the realization of the supreme ends of reason in the sensible world. On the other hand, by means of enthusiasm, an affect roused by the aesthetic reflexive judgment of the sublime, we see, in Kantians philosophy of history, a certain restlessness of reason in pretending to realize, at once, freedom in the series of time. Now, the absolute, that is freedom, cannot realize itself at once without creating dissolution in the series of time. We call historical sublime the reading that the aesthetic reflexive judgment does of historical time as if it underwent fractures when freedom exercises itself on the sensible. As a passage from the sensible to the supersensible, the sublime, when it announces the moral disposition of man, will disclose the possibility of moral progress of humanity, leaving in the memory of men the recollection that the manifestation of freedom in the world is possible. If teleology shows ourselves a historical temporality which conspires, subdued by the cunning of nature, for the gradual development of the human species towards its highest destination, aesthetics will make possible the interpretation of time no longer as subdued by the cunning of nature, but capable of passing through fractures thanks to the power of causality by freedom. Aesthetics and teleology: two viewpoints on historical time that will promote passages between the sensible and the supersensible.


razão history reason time história tempo filosofia

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