Especular espetacular: estado e setor privado na produção do espaço urbano de UberlândiaMG




This thesis presents the process of urban development of Uberlândia MG by mid-2009. It discusses the policy for use and occupation of land in the county with emphasis on a specific sector - the real estate. Is held a reading of the urban plan, seeking to design the city in each season and a critical analysis of the implementation of them. To assess the theoretical foundations, methodological and ideological backgrounds of each, beyond the interests of property developers and the public-private alliances in the production of urban space and the real estate valuation. Shows that speculation is really spectacular, and the production of urban space is guided by the strategic alliances of the state with the private sector


solo urbano -- uso -- uberlandia, mg valorização imobiliária planejamento urbano -- urbelandia, mg urban plan planos urbanísticos mercado imobiliario -- uberlandia, mg strategic alliances ciencias sociais aplicadas alianças estratégicas real estate valuation

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