Errância e construção do espaço no cinema moderno Uma leitura da obra de Roberto Rossellini




This dissertation examines the construction of the cinematographic space in the work of Roberto Rossellini and the role of the wandering of the characters in the communication system of films. With basis on the considerations of Gilles Deleuze in Cinema I Movement-Image and Cinema II The Time-Image, we shall analyse the manner by which the perambulation and drifting of the character in the films diegesis consist in a decisive element of rupture with classic realism, the foundation of the modern forms of cinema and the opening of audiovisual language to a new field of expression, starting from the cinematographic signs. Although Rossellini is a not much studied director in Brazil, he gains importance and contemporaneity in national cinema at a moment in which our cinema emphasises documentaries, films with a social trait and the artistic experiments which blend the cinematographic heritage and the novelty of digital medias. The analysis of Rosselinis work from a deleuzian perspective allows us to demonstrate how the grasp of reality in his cinema is part of a complex language system, not in the least intuitive or improvised. This system is made up of real mental cartographies, resulting from an elaborate reflection on the environments and their transformation into cinematographic language and signs. In the rossellinian work, the figure of the wandering character, adrift in spaces which have been totally fragmented or dehumanised, points out to the search of a new relation between man and the world, a new link which joins the cinema and the audiovisual medias with reality


wandering rossellini rossellini, roberto -- 1906-1977 -- critica e interpretacao neo-realismo neorealism comunicacao cinema moderno errância cinematographic space deleuze modernity espaço cinematográfico

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