Eosinofilia e IgE sÃrica total na alergia respiratÃria e parasitose Intestinal




Eosinophilia is found in many cases of atopy, and is considered essential to the perpetuation of the pathologic process that characterizes allergic asthma and rhinitis. However, eosinophilia can also exist in other diseases as leukemia, Wiskot-Aldrich Syndrome, hypersensitivity to drugs and intestinal parasitosis. In general, in allergic diseases, besides eosinophils, high levels of IgE, that is the reaginic antibody produced in response to allergenic exposure, are also observed. Review of the literature shows that the IgE levels are higher in allergic individuals than in healthy ones, and in asthmatics and allergic rhinitics may vary between 200 and 1500 UI/ml. High levels of IgE can also be found in other diseases like Hyper IgE Syndrome, bronchopulmonary allergic aspergillosis, some stages of HIV infection, drug induced interstitial nephritis and intestinal parasitosis. The present review (dissertation) is composed by two articles. The first is a review of literature about eosinophils, seric IgE and intestinal parasitosis in atopic individuals. The second reports a case-control study where we observed the relationship between eosinophilia and high serum levels of IgE in adolescents with asthma and/or allergic rhinitis and the influence of intestinal parasitosis in this relation, if it existed. The review article will be submitted for publication at the Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Alergia e Imunopatologia(SBAI) and the original one at the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, a magazine of the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology(AAAI)


eosinofilia intestinal parasitosis, atopy atopia asma ige pediatria parasitose intestinal ige asthma, eosinophilia

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