Entre o passado e o presente: a condiÃÃo humana de um grupo de idosos, ex-presos polÃticos do golpe militar de 1964, na perspectiva de Hannah Arendt




In the preface of her book Between the past and the future, Arendt refers to the poet Renà Char, who in the middle of the fight of the Resistance in Europe, predicting what could happen once the battle was over, wrote: "if I survive, I know that it will be necessary to break with the scents of these essential years, to silently reject my treasure". This "treasure" that, according Arendt, consisted of a type of acting experience in the world, given by a particular kind of political engagement, also shared by those who fought in the Resistance to the Military Coup of 1964 and who are today, having passed 41 years, in great part, elderly. Having in mind this history of action, this work has as an objective to investigate the repercussion of the experience of Resistance on the present political identity of a group of former political prisoners, in the Arendtian perspective. The method adopted was the qualitative research of the phenomenological kind and the life history adopted as the data collection technique. The results revealed that, for the group of ex-militants who were investigated, the "treasure" was not "silently rejected" as predicted by Char but, in its essence, remains in other forms of engagement which are represented as the human condition of action.


hannah arendt hannah arendt presos polÃticos; idosos; identidade polÃtica; hannah arendt former political prisoners political identity saude coletiva tesouro treasure ex-presos polÃticos

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