Em função da escrita : uma experiencia com exercicios de analise linguistica em sala de aula / Regarding writing : an experience with linguistic analysis exercises in the classroom




This research aimed to analyze the importance of working an intermediate phase, which would be between the writing and rewriting in a narrative text. Starting from a text produced by my 6th grade students , from a private school I prepared six exercises that involved linguistic resources that are part of the programmatic content of this grade, which is called in this work, exercises of linguistic analysis. I assigned these exercises in different moments of the Portuguese classes , and I observed how they used the linguistic resources on the two moments they rewrote the narrative text , individually produced by themselves. It´s important to emphasize that the rewritings were not corrected at any moment by myself , who besides being a researcher , was also their class teacher. Eight out of the thirty rewritten texts were selected for analyses. It was analyzed the first and last version of the narrative text. It was possible to notice that the students not only changed their texts , considering the exercises of linguistic analysis , but also the grammatical order in the rewriting


produção de textos linguistic analysis (linguistics) rewriting etc reescrita analise linguistica (linguistica) - problemas exercicios texts production

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