Em busca de um modelo de avaliaÃÃo de projetos de sistemas de informaÃÃo para organizaÃÃes pÃblicas no estado de Pernambuco: o caso FACEPE




The success of information systems presupposes good results in its phases of development. It is evidenced, however, that a parcel of the projects of implantation of new information systems in agencies of the Public Administration, even taking care of the certain previously established aspects, do not totally satisfy the users. On the other hand, other projects of the same nature that had not taken care of the bottom elements of such development have succeed. Aiming at to understand such paradox and due to the lack of academic research on the subject, this work presents the test of a model of evaluation of the implementation of information system projects in governmental organizations, based on criteria and adjusted critical factors from the technical literature, in a public institution of the State of Pernambuco, the Foundation for the Financial Support and Advancement of Science and Technology (FACEPE). This model, based on the perception of users and creators of information system, was applied in the post facto evaluation of the failure of the first system of the FACEPE, the SISCOP, and used in an attempt of forecasting success of the actual system in the Foundation, the AGILFAP, thus, contributing for the evaluation of the information technology in the public sector


administraÃÃo pÃblica administracao facepe facepe public administration avaliaÃÃo valuation

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