Elements of a poetics of science: theoretical foundations and implications for science teaching. / Elementos de uma poética da ciência: fundamentos teóricos e implicações para o ensino de ciências




The objective of this thesis is to discuss the role of narrative in scientific thought and science education. We start from a historical review of research on teaching and learning to show that the epistemological dimension of the construction of knowledge rather than weakens the deeper understanding of the semiotic and discursive aspects of the interactions in the classroom. Then we discuss the current research on argumentation and questioning whether the models adopted are sufficient to capture all legitimate ways of thinking of science. Mainly questioning the possibility of new modes of reasoning appear when we face situations that involve the presence of a novelty. To answer this question we insert our study in a field of reflections that can be called poetic science. In contiuidade take original texts as a source of research for understanding the discursive formation of science. We discuss the texts of the Messenger of Stars, Galileo, Experiments on the Effect of conflict on the Electric Needle magnet of Oersted and Attractions On the mutual between conductors Electrical, Ampère. By analyzing these texts, we find that the standard of argumentation is characterized linguistically as a narrative. Taking into account the nature of science, wonders what is the role of narrative in human thought. We resume the work of Vygotsky and Bruner to characterize the narrative as a way of organizing reality. These considerations lead us to think about how this may affect the school routine. Our reflections on the writings indicate that the activities may be critical to the development of thought in an activity that involves the imagination. In the last step the study turns to a school where we performed a set of teaching-learning activities that involved writing production. Two types of genre were worked, narratives and letters. At the end we analyze the conditions of production of scientific narratives by students and discussed its role in learning science.


science education narrativas científicas imagination imaginação history of science scientific narratives processos criativos hstória da ciência creative processes didática das cências

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