Elementos fundamentais do direito internacional em Francisco Suárez (1548-1617)




The following speech reveals aspects of the juridic philosophy and politics of Francisco Suárez. Notably, in wich reffers to the natural law and international right. To him is assigned the suarezian paternity, as a disciplin in oposite ways to the merits atributed to Hugo Grócio. In the suarezian philosophy of the intenational right, the main role of customs is enfasized as the basic rules of the international relationship, as well the understanding of the philosopher about the constitution ogf the politic comunity and the concept of sovereignty. This one is important to observe because the state preserve it and are members of the inernational politics comunity. It will be, however, those who stablish the customs that will be observed in the relationships itself. Then, the concepts of civil authority and the origin and legitimity of the power also grow in importance. Now, the conception of natural law in Francisco Suárez, is indeed, important because it deals with a better manifestation of natural right and international right one must observe the natural without, however, be misunderstood with it. Here is one novelty about the suarezian thought: distnguish the peoples right from the natural right. Other new side explained, is in relation to his conception of natural law, the heritage that Suárez left to modernity. When the natural right was, maybe, faded to be forggoten, Suárez began to adapt it to the historic momentum, preserving it for the coming ages. All in all, Suárez was a philosopher of great importance to the history of philosophy. But he didnt have the recognition he deserved from the man circles of philosophy debates. As a philosopher, he was crucial in the transition from the Midle Age to the Modern Age, or, avoiding to set dates in this subject, from Escolastic to Racionalism


crítica filosofia natural right suárez, francisco direito internacional natural law custom filosofia política international right interpretação direito

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