Elaboration of Career Projects and Reduction of Social Vulnerability: important elements concerning Vocational Counseling Public Policies for the High School / Construção de projetos profissionais e redução da vulnerabilidade social: subsídios para políticas públicas de orientação profissional no ensino médio




The subject of a vocational counseling public policy for the secondary education is currently been intensely debated at the United States, the European Community and other countries. In Brazil, contrariwise, successful proposals on the theme are absent. Nevertheless, the Brazilian High School emphasizes the need to prepare the students for their working life, a fact that corroborates the importance of Vocational Counseling activities that help the young students to elaborate career projects that lessen its psychosocial vulnerability. The objective of the present research is to investigate how the public High School assists the student in the elaboration of his career project and how the factors color of skin and gender interfere in the development of this project. Also, it is our intention to formulate proposals for vocational counseling public policies. The research was realized in two different public High Schools. One of them was located in a middle class neighborhood at São Paulo city. The pedagogic coordinator was interviewed in depth, a focal group was formed and 260 students of the High School third year answered a questionnaire. The other school was located in a low-class neighborhood at Osasco. The pedagogic coordinator was interviewed (the scene strategy was used in the interview), two groups (one composed by 14 students of the High School third year, the other by two High School teachers) were interviewed, also using the scene strategy, and 36 High School students answered a questionnaire. The analysis of the results indicates that the students from the Osasco High School are more exposed to the psychosocial vulnerability. They do not see themselves as subjects of Rights and are unprotected from the violence of their neighborhood. The majority of those students elaborate their career project based on their professional experience. On the other hand, most of the students of the São Paulo High School itend to enter university. The majority of them does not have professional experience and elaborate their career project based on their educational experience. The programs of Vocational Counseling can help the young students to take autonomous decisions and to have an active role in the elaboration of their career projects, diminishing the psychosocial vulnerability to unemployment, underemployment or illegal activities like robbery and drug trafficking. Three relevant themes to the elaboration of a project of Vocational Counseling public policy are discussed: (1) the creation of Vocational Counseling programs for the public High School, (2) the creation of strategies that assure the students receive all the information about the working life they need, and (3) the creation of Vocational Counseling that is capable of giving support to the students as well as to the professionals of the High School. Besides, it is very important that the Vocational Counseling activities are articulated with the activities of other public policies in the area of Education and Health.


políticas públicas construcionismo social orientação vocacional public policies vocacional guidance educational policy secondary education política educacional escolha profissional social constructionism ensino médio occupational choice

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