Efeitos do agrotóxico Vertimec no fitoplâncton: um estudo laboratorial e "in situ" / Effects of pesticide Vertimec on phytoplankton: a laboratorial and "in situ" study




Pesticides are chemical products applied to environment in order to control species which cause harm to agriculture. However, these chemicals can reach non-target species when flushed into aquatic ecosystems and even bring grave diseases to human health. Amongst many, Vertimec® stands out in a range of pesticides, being utilized in numerous agricultures, including potatoes and strawberries, which constitute the income of many farmers. Nevertheless, despite its intensive use, there is still lack of research and study on its potential risks on terrestrial and aquatic biota. In this context, we sought to evaluate the effects of the application of Vertimec® on phytoplankton, through laboratorial study (unialgal bioassay, with Pseudokircheneriella subcapitata) and in situ (composition and density, in mesocosms) starting from the simulation of soil contamination with Vertimec® and subsequent flushing into the body of water, making use of the runoff water in unialgal bioassay; the addition of runoff water from mesocosms in four treatments (control, contaminated runoff, non-contaminated and direct addition of contaminant), evaluating the effects on the community structure and unialgal bioassay with Abamectin, main Vertimec®s active principle. The results obtained show that the runoff effects on the cellular density of P. subcapitata will not occur according the product used but due to the high turbidity of the samples. At the tests with water at the mesocosms, the treatments which received runoff motivated the growing of P. subcapitata, indicating the nutrient-contributing effect to the environment of the culture. At the analysis of the phytoplanktonic community at the mesocosms, alterations on the physical and chemical characteristics of the water were observed (pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, conductivity and nutrients) featuring effects of runoff (with or without Vertimec®) or the direct addition of the contaminant, which implicated chances in the density and composition of the phytoplankton (such as the reduction of Bacillariophyta, increase of Chlorophyceae and, along with these , a larger contribution to the species Monoraphidium minutum). Despite acknowledging the effects of Vertimec® on phytoplankton, though in situ studies, the results from Abamectin do not show toxicity to the algae P.subcapitata, demonstrating the presence of other contaminants in the marketable product.


toxicity toxicidade vertimec p. subcapitata mesocosmos p. subcapitata pesticida vertimec mesocosms pesticide

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