Educação não obrigatória: uma discussão sobre o estado e o mercado


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research work has a proposal, based on literature researches, to discuss the education compulsory state. It has in view to present the historical appearance of the compulsory education and the assumptions that formed the north to modern states constitute a public education project and also the arguments to keep this project into the contemporary, since José Gimeno Sacristán. As a counterpoint to the defense of the education binding state, it was brought Murray Rothbards arguments and of other theorists of the Austrian School of Economics proposing the retired of the state from the relations and agreements among individuals. With the crash, we try to demonstrate that a desirable education can not be provided by the state and that, individuals may and should conduct themselves. From criticism to the compulsory state model we present two theoretical proposals for non-mandatory state in education, vouchers and homeschooling


educacao educação política liberty politics economy liberdade education economia

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