Educação Inclusiva: formação de grupamentos afetivos, intelectuais e recreativos entre deficiente mental incluído em escola regular e seus grupos de pares




The present study aims at investigating the interaction between mentally impaired students enrolled on regular school courses and their classmates, and identifies evidences of rejection or acceptance behaviors. This work verifies the variation in the levels of acceptance or rejection by comparing two schools, one with an implemented inclusion program and other with no such concern. It is based upon the concept that inclusion processes bring about new questions that require investigation and in the presumption that a mental impairment (as a negative characteristic of a student) brings difficulties to his social relationships which can be reduced by well defined inclusion policies. Two hypotheses are proposed considering this: first, that the rejection levels towards mentally disabled students are high, especially in terms of study matters, due to their learning capability; and second, that the existence of a pedagogic program on school inclusion favors interpersonal relationships between the mentally impaired student and his classmates. Pursuing a broader view of the students relationships and answers to these questions, the main data collection tool was the sociometric test. It has been chosen due to its competency for denoting multiple aspects of the social processes in a more vivid and spontaneous manner, and for its versatility and universality. The research was conducted with students of the second grade of one school and with students of the fourth grade of a different one. It verifies the effects of a pedagogic program on school inclusion, present in only one of the two schools, in the relationships established by the disabled students. Considering the interaction between regular students and disabled ones, it was found that penalty truly existed in all fields surveyed, named affectivity, playing and study. But differences were observed as the rejection levels towards the disabled student were not the highest in one school meanwhile the presence of the disabled student was not even noticed in the other. This was expected and had been registered before in the literature (Moreno, Bastin). The hypothesis of highest disadvantage in terms of study, probably due to learning deficiencies of the impaired students, has not been verified as they have not been the most reject students. Similarly, their rejection levels in terms of study were not above their average regarding the other topics of the survey. Finally, there has been no confirmation regarding the hypothesis of social relationships benefits for the disabled student in a school with a pedagogic program on school inclusion. In fact, the study pointed that regular students seemed to consider the disabled student more like a classmate than in the school with the inclusion policy


social interaction educacao inclusiva school inclusion inclusao em educacao interação social inclusão escolar mental disability educacao deficientes mentais -- educacao deficiência mental

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