This paper has the objective to investigate the entailing that was established throughout the history, between education and citizenship, as well as investigating them in the current Brazilian educational legislation. It comes from the French Revolution, Iluministic context, for understanding how these bonds were modifying at each historical moment. It is estimated that the education is basic for the construction of the citizenship, and that this made in its fullness with that one. It is a descriptioncritical research,that works with theoreticians of the French Iluminism and the Frankfurt Scholl, searching to understand the ways done by the education and the understanding of the citizenship concept. As methodological resource, it was used bibliographical documentary research and documents. It analyzed the Federal Constitutions from 1824 to 1988 and the Brazilian Educational Laws (LDB), 4024/61, 5692/71 and 9394/96, for understanding how the education contributed in the process of formation of the Brazilian citizen, and how it was established the bonds between education and citizenship in Brazil. The study of these documents showed that the national education always was in service of the powerful ones, what made it difficult its action as to assist in the process of construction of the citizenship. Although the term citizenship consists of official documents, the concept always is presented of inexact and distant form of its Real meant.


gestão da educação citizenship educação brazilian educational legislation cidadania education legislação educacional brasileira educacao políticas públicas

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