Ecos do progresso : prÃticas e representaÃÃes sociais no Grupo Escolar Delfim Moreira (1908 -1931) â Araxà MG




The aim of this dissertation is to reconstruct the genius, the organization and the evolution of Defim Moreira Elementary School. The main objective of our investigation is to understand the practices and social representations as well as the appropriations made by the subjects responsible for its edifying. In order to understand the object in question the following problem was addressed: how did the Republican project of public, laical and free education was materialized in the subjects practices, social representations and appropriations during the implementation and the consolidation of the school model instituted by the historical period called Republic in the city of AraxÃ, located in Minas Gerais State, from 1908 to 1931? The methodological approach included The Cultural History. As a procedure, the empirical research was made by collecting documents from the files of Delfim Moreira Elementary School and from the Calmon Barreto Cultural Foundation. Besides that, subject matters interviews were made with ten egresses who studied in the delimited period for the research and also an interview was made with an egress from ulterior period. The data collected during the empirical research were supported by relevant bibliography related to the History of Educational Institutions and to the History of Brazilian Education. The practices, social representations and appropriations interpretations allow to confirm that the Republican Education System based on the principles of free payment, secularism and publicity consolidated itself in the submission of these models to adjusts, combinations or resistances.


histÃria das instituiÃÃes educativas history of educational institutions educaÃÃo - histÃria histÃria da educaÃÃo brasileira history of brazilian education educaÃÃo - araxà (mg) - histÃria educaÃÃo education educacao

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