Economic scene prospective and action to fortify the regional dynamism in the Extreme West of Santa Catarina / CenÃrio econÃmico prospectivo e aÃÃes para fortalecer o dinamismo regional no Extremo Oeste de Santa Catarina




This research has as objective to analyze the economic dynamism of the Extreme West Region of Santa Catarina State, in Brazil, and to point alternatives through prospective scenes up to 2025 and of the opinion of the regional population. To reach this objective one searched the available economic data of the region; one analyzed the current trends of development and economic growth of the region; the regional leaderships had been interviewed and a sample of 400 used inhabitants to point viable alternatives of development and to argue the projection of the economic variable. The study pointed the historical factors in the process of regional development, passing for the settling, the economic cycles and culminating in the current process of industrialization. One also analyzed the trends of the regional economic growth of the cities up to 2025, arguing the current scenery of the economic development, approaching the trends of growth of the GIP and the Added Value, observing the cities economic differences. A prospective scene was constructed and through the opinion of the authorities and the regional population the areas and important actions had been pointed to improve the profile of the regional economic development and to reduce the disparities in the scope of the West Extreme Region of Santa Catarina State, being defined stated periods and responsibility of execution or brainstorming with respect to the same ones.


urban economy regional development desenvolvimento regional regional economy crescimento econÃmico economia regional economia regional e urbana economic growth prospective scenes economia urbana cenÃrios prospectivos

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