Economic evaluation of four agroforestry systems models in degraded pastures areas in the ocidental Amazon. / Avaliação econômica de quatro modelos agroflorestais em áreas degradadas por pastagens na Amazônia ocidental.




Agroforestry systems have been considered to recover degraded areas, so as to increase the agricultural and forestry productivity and diminish the economic risk to the farmer. Four agroforestry models were introduced into a degraded pasture and abandoned areas located in one of the Experimental Station (Suframa-DAS) of the Embrapa/CPAA ( Empresa brasileira de pesquisas agropecuaria/ Centro de Pesquisas Agroflorestais da Amazônia Ocidental), at Km 54 BR-174 (Manaus-Boa Vista). This study was a randomized complete block design with 5 agroforestry models and three replicates for each model and an abandoned pasture area as the control. The parcel area measured 3,000m 2 (60m X 50m) for a total of 4.5 ha. Trataments were: ASP1 (Agrosilvipastoral systems - higt output); ASP2 (Agrosilvipastoral systems - low input); AS1 (Agrosilvicultural systems - low output with palmers tree); AS2 (Agrosilvicultural systems - low output multistrata). Fertilizers were to correct for the effects of soil acidity and soil fertility. Economic evaluations were based on the following economical criteria: Net Present Value and Land Expectation Value. Results showed that the agroforestry models were economically acceptable indicating that this kind of agroforestry activity generates income and could be used as an alternative way to recorver degraded areas in the Amazon. Agroforestry system AS2 produced the best results among the systems studied. All four systems were efficient at reestablishing the vegetative productivity. It produced agricultural benefits to the farmer and the utilized species play a important role in the land maintenance and protection against fire use and erosion. More research utilizing SAFs are required for this region to emphasize the economic benefits of the systems.


pasture amazônia ocidental viabilidade econômica western amazon degradação sistema agroflorestal avaliação econômica pastagem agroforestry systems economic evaluation degradation economic viability

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