Ecomigrantes, refugiados ou deslocados ambientais: populações vulneráveis e mudança climática


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Droughts, floods, severe storms, melting ice caps and consequent rise in sea level are some of the consequences of climate change. Concerning the human side of the climate change, some experts estimate that 200 million to 250 million people will be forced off their land by mid-century and the European Union itself has already established that migration pressure will increase substantially due to this issue. Considering this scenario, it becomes urgent that the rights of thousands of individuals and groups of people displaced by the climate change be recognized. Nowadays, there is no framework convention able to provide protection and assistance for those affected populations. In fact, this new category of climate or environmental misallocated persons, refugees or migrants seems to be problematic and controversial. Two different options are presented as a viable legal solution for this impasse: the first one would be to consider them as a type of refugee in this sense the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees should be reviewed; the second one points to the direction of a negotiation of a new convention, and therefore a terminological definition based on the human rights law or specifically on the climate change by enhancing the international legal mechanisms for the construction of guiding principles to deal with this new category of misallocated people. This discussion, which is blended with the need of deepening knowledge on the matter of climate and international environmental law, is intrinsically related to the issues of human rights and citizenship, expressed, in a wider range global one where it could be named the matter of global citizenship, as consequence of solidarity among all peoples. Even though there are still possible contradictions between the affirmation of human rights and the classical concept of citizenship, the existence of global matters as the climate change must lead to the affirmation of solidarity among all people.


ecomigrantes human rights international environmental law environmentally misallocated people climate refugees ecomigrants climate change refugiados climáticos direito mudança climática direito internacional ambiental direito humanos deslocados ambientais

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