DominÃncia EstocÃstica na AvaliaÃÃo da ConcentraÃÃo de Riqueza no Brasil: Uma ComparaÃÃo entre DistribuiÃÃo de Terra e de Renda nos Anos de 1985 e 1995




This dissertation presents an econometric approach to evaluate wealth inequality in Brazil. We use the measures of inequality, such as the generalized entropy class, the Atkinson class (classified by inequality aversion parameter), and the Gini index that is associated to Lorenz curve which allows for the graphic comparisson of the land and income concentrations. The interest lies in studiying land inequality is motivated by the shortage of studies realized in Brazil. Our chief goal is to identify the measure of inequality that best captures the small changes occurred in land distribution and income distribution in Brazil from 1985 to 1995. We use the IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e EstatÂıstica) agricultural data census and PNAD (Pesquisa Nacional por Amostras de DomicÂılios) data from 1985 to 1995. We obtained the values of the inequality measures and built stochastic dominance curves to evaluate wealth inequality in Brazil.


dominÃncia estocÃstica estatistica concentraÃÃo de riqueza no brasil medidas de concentraÃÃo aspectos econÃmicos estatÃstica aplicada

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