Does the internet dialect go to school? / O internetês vai a escola?




This work aimed at capturing of teachers perception about the new language practices on the internet, trying to figure out how schools are dealing with the relations between students and those practices. Social, political and cultural aspects of practices of reading and writing were focused so as to contextualize the new texts related to the increasing usage of internet, due to the connection between language and the used support, such as the hypertext, generally seen as a sort of revolution in reading and writing. Literacy is discussed in terms of the multiple languages (semiotic materials) involved. The divergences and the similarities found between reading and writing practices on the internet and at schools were analyzed in association with the new internet dialect as the central point. Critical discourse analysis was the main reference, being modality chosen as the entry point to the answers to the questionnaire and to the interviews. Since there are many doubts and discussions related to the so-called internet dialect, it was concluded that recontextualizing the notion of functional bi-dialectalism should be an alternative to deal with the questions involved.


internetês reading and writing practices bidialetalismo funcional comunicação de massa e tecnologia internet dialect realidade virtual escrita educacao functional bi-dialectalism práticas de leitura e escrita genres of texts gêneros textuais

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