DOAÇÃO DE ÓRGÃOS POST MORTEM : A viabilidade de adoção pelo sistema brasileiro da escolha pelo doador do destinátario de seus órgãos




The main purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate the possibility of the Brazilian legal system to accept the hypothesis that the organ donor has a choice of selection of the recipient of his/her organs post mortem. Initially this work tries to frame the right to own body as a right of personality character of the relative unavailability of such rights in order to recognize the impact of private autonomy in their field. In addition the principle of autonomy will be considered in bioethics its design and its influence in determining the possibility of choice by the organ donor post mortem. moreover it will be demonstrated that the current legal system has flaws and that the compatibility of the current model with a choice by the donor is possible using as parameters the way organ donation is handled by the Brazilian legal system and other foreign legal systems


doação de órgãos post mortem direito post mortem organ donation bioética the donor choices possibilidade de escolha pelo doador bioethics

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