Do ser ao fazer: infância e família sob a perspectiva da socialização da linguagem




Some studies concerning language acquisition have shown that adult-child and adult-adult interactions are distinctly constituted so as to provide children a facilitated access to the complex linguistic structure (e.g. SNOW e FERGUSON, 1977; FERGUSON, 1996). Others have tried to understand children s pragmatic development of language throughout their first years of life (e.g. ERVIN-TRIPP, 1979; CORSARO, 1979), revealing the (evolving) competence of these children in realizing certain speech acts (AUSTIN, 1999). This research departs from those studies and broadens the research perspectives by considering that learning a language is constitutive of the process of becoming a member of a group (OCHS, 2002). The (linguistic-pragmatic) development process of a child is thus linked to the (interactional) practices in which the child is engaged, as are the other members of the group. From a micro-ethnographic perspective, rooted in theoretical and analytical presuppositions implied in the analysis of face-to-face interactions (e.g. SACKS, 1992; SACKS, SCHEGLOFF e JEFFERSON, 1974; GUMPERZ, 1982; GOFFMAN, 1974, 1999; POTTER, 2004; DURANTI, 2001), the study investigates a) the participant structure (M. GOODWIN, 2001) that features the different activities in which the members of each family engage themselves and b) the interactional trajectory of the moments when the child offers a topic for the interaction, revealing socio-cultural meanings that configurate the structure of each family. Among all the configurations that emerge from the distinct practices of the two Brazilian families studied, I focus on the situated understandings of childhood, and on what these understandings imply in terms of child development (VYGOTSKY, 1989) for each of the children, regarding both opportunities and constraints. The study also discusses the relationship between the childhood configurations constructed in each family and the identities of children (son and daughter, brother and sister) and of adults (father and mother) that are negotiated and legitimized through the local practices (BUCHOLTZ e HALL, 2003; 2005)


desenvolvimento interação adulto family linguagem criança childhood talk-in-interaction linguistica aplicada família child development ensino interação socialização aprendizagem linguagem falada language socialization

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