Diversidade no trabalho : os desafios em ser mulher em uma instituição financeira




This research had for objective to analyze the perception of the women about the challenges in being woman in a Brazilian financial organization and it inserts in the area of the organizational studies that deals with questions about the relations of gender in the work environment. The intention was to understand how women perceive themselves in a banking organization and how they deal with the challenges that are presented to them, since the competition with men until the difficult conciliation of the professional life with the personal one. Interviews with 20 employee women of a Brazilian financial organization had been done and were possible to verify that for women to have success in financial organization, they need to prove that they are very competent, more than their men colleagues and that the big challenge of women in a bank is to do everything that the men do, but better than them, not leaving aside characteristics proper of females. Also it was identified the necessity of the organization to define and to practice clearer politics in relation to the valuation of the diversity and, in special, the valuation of women.


discriminação de sexo contra as mulheres gender relations mercado de trabalho - mulheres people management women diversity discrimination administracao prejudice discriminação de sexo no emprego organizations

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