Disauthorizing socially patterned suffering in patients suffering from neuromuscular diseases / Desautorizando o sofrimento socialmente padronizado, em pacientes afetados por doenças neuromusculares


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




From the results of the project (2006 to 2011) at the Psychoanalysis Clinic of the Human Genome Center at the University of São Paulo (USP), which gives priority to those suffering from neuromuscular diseases of genetic origin, we undertook a study whose hypothesis is that the diagnosis of a genetic change may act as an insult leaping upon at the patient (insult comes from the Latin insultare to assail, jump upon) and can result in the patient complaining and becoming morose and disinterested in the world. This study was conceived from the awareness that, in addition to the natural progression of the degenerative disease, the patient deteriorates because, paradoxically, they attempt to relocate themselves within the insult. We show that with the help of psychoanalytic treatment, the patient, faced with the surprise of the diagnosis, can reinvent their life in a singular way. We have detected a social virus which we call RC, Resignation and Compassion and have frequently observed that, after initial anger, the patient moves towards resignation while the family changes from weeping to showing compassion. Both reactions, which do not help the patient, are, nevertheless, highly valued socially. Our study, which goes against this RC element, discusses: a) how the patients in the medicine of the future, which does not say what happened, or what is happening, but what may or will happen, can react to the occurrence of human suffering in a way that deteriorates their present and future condition; and b) how psychoanalysis can be an important tool in the treatment of these patients, giving back to them responsibility for the singularity of their lives, resulting in not only a clear improvement but also, as a result of this, a possible delay in the progress of the disease, gaining time during which advances in genetic research may benefit them. We specifically study the effects that approximately fifteen weeks of psychoanalytic treatment may have on: a) a population that had the diagnosis of degenerative diseases confirmed; and, b) a population made up of people not suffering from degenerative diseases, but who, given their close relationship (family, affectionate or friendship) with the patient, could closely affect their day-to-day lives. In order to do so¸ 42 subjects suffering from degenerative diseases, and 22 people who had relationships with them, were offered 15 weeks of psychoanalytic treatment. Each patient was evaluated twice (at the beginning and end) by using an adaptation of the Brazilian version of a scale of clinical impression of change. The following results can be emphasized in each category. General: 80% of patients improved. Mental / cognitive state: almost 50% improved their ability to express themselves. Behavior: 72% improved their depressive tendencies. Love life: remarkable improvements in all areas. Subjective position: almost 80% of the population started to take responsibility for their own lives. We conclude that psychoanalytic treatment has a high rate of immediate improvement in the patient and can, at least potentially, extend the period the degenerative disease requires to take effect


distrofias musculares mental health muscular dystrophies psychoanalytic therapy saúde mental terapia psicanalítica

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