Direito e política na constituição dos direitos do trabalho: a trajetória institucional do TST desde 1946 e seus debates doutrinários do último governo militar à constituinte de 87/88.




The main objective of this research is to present and analyse the debates which happen in the Tribunal Superior do Trabalho TST (High Labour Court), superior organ of the Brazilian Labour Justice from 1979 to 1988, i. e., from the period of political opening to the National Constituent Assembly. This study tried to draw the issues that gained notoriety in the Labour Justice at the moment of the democracy consolidation which culminated with the approval of the New Federal Constitution and which is its correlation with the debates of the Political Science of the time. Thus, our aim is to establish the relationship between the fields of Law and Politics.


história institucional justiça do trabalho poder judiciário governo - estrutura e função ciencia politica assembléia nacional constituinte, 1987-1988

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