Detection and molecular caracterisation of human hhv-6 herpesvirus in gengival tissues of pacients affected by periodontal disease. / Detecção e caracterização molecular do herpesvírus humano tipo 6 (HHV-6) em tecido gengival de pacientes acometidos por doença periodontal.




Analysis: Recent studies have suggested that the herpesvirus may be involved in the occurrence and progression of different forms of periodontal disease. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the HHV-6 herpesvirus presence in gingival biopsies of patients affected by chronic periodontitis and to ascertain the positive samples genetic variability for HHV-6 (HHV-6A and HHV-6B). As a control, biopsies of gingival periodontally healthy subjects were examined. Materials and Methods: gingival biopsies were taken from 60 volunteers: 30 cases affected by chronic periodontitis and 30 cases periodontally healthy. Each case contributed with 1 biopsy involving the epithelium and connective tissue of periodontal pocket depth containing 5mm and stating the bleeding on probing after the clinical examination; the other control biopsy was granted from local with clinical survey depth of 3mm showed no bleeding. For extraction and purification of viral DNA was used the Invitrogen® kit (Charges Switch ® g Mini Tissue DNA kit). The extracted DNA was amplified using the techniques of PCR and nested-PCR. The amplified products were sequenced using the Big Dye Terminator kit (Applied Biosystems). The sequences obtained were aligned with the aid of the Sequence Navigator Program and compared with standard samples of gene bank. Results: After the analysis of 60 samples, DNA sequences of HHV-6 were found in places periodontally healthy 4/30 (13,3%), and in places with periodontal disease 2/30 (6,7%); six positive products of nested-PCR were sequenced and showed homology for variant B. Conclusions: This study has demonstrated that the gingival tissue may act as a reservoir for HHV-6. Our data suggest that additional studies must be conducted to consolidate an association between subtypes of herpesvirus investigated and the destructive periodontal disease.


doença periodontite polymerase chain reaction human herpervirus 6 periodontal disease periodontitis reação da polimerase em cadeia doença periodontal herpesvírus humano 6 disease

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