Desenvolvimento de bolo de cenoura sem glúten com sacarose e diet e estudo do impacto do edulcorante no perfil sensorial e na aceitação do consumidor / Development of gluten-free carrot cake with sucrose and diet and study on the impact of sweeteners and sensory profile consumer


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




t: Changes in food process and the higher demand for foods that have health benefits, besides high sensory and nutritional quality, make new-products development necessary. This study aimed to develop different formulas of glutenfree carrot cake with maize oil and traditional carrot cakes with wheat flour and maize oil or palm oil. Acceptance by consumers, their purchase intention and the nutritional facts of the formulas were also goals of this research. Firstly, a mix of gluten-free flours was suggested in order to replace wheat flour in cakes. Glutenfree cake was compared to two types of cake made with wheat flour (gluten) and with different types of fat. The gluten-free cake (BIG) produced with MIX -1, the cake with gluten and maize oil (BGOM) and the cake with gluten and palm oil (BGOP) with 80 and 100g were assessed for their nutritional values, preference and purchase intent. BIG MIX-1 and BGOP 80g had nutritional values, preference and purchase intent comparable to standard formulation. Therefore, the glutenfree-flour mix (MIX-1) and palm oil can be used as ingredients for carrot cake, providing products with features that meet the requirements of the consumer market. Secondly, a new goal was drawn and new gluten-free formulas were developed and standardized from the first suggested gluten-free-flour mix. Acceptance rates were one more time evaluated. For this purpose and due to the large number of variables, mix of gluten-free flours and maize oil were the only two variables chosen. Thus, we left the suggestion of new experiments with palm oil. For the 12-essays-experimental design, three gluten-free mixes with four different gluten-free flours were developed. The attributes of the cakes made with these mixes were compared with the attributes of the standard cake, with gluten. The results were analyzed by ANOVA, Tukey test (p<0.05) and Cluster Analysis. Three trials did not differ significantly from standard cake. The best formulas have obtained mass ratio between six and four. Overall linking of the gluten-free formulas was scored between 7.55 and 6.80 and the standard, gained 7.15. Hardness, fracturability, gumminess and Adhesiveness interfered negatively in the acceptance, while Softness, resilience, cohesiveness and water activity interfered in a positive way. Thus, it can be said that it is feasible to substitute wheat flour for gluten-free flours in the production of carrot cake and keep its sensory characteristics. Once we have reached results that showed that the ratio of mass between six and four presented the best sensory and instrumental responses we decided to continue the research by standardizing the gluten-free formulations and also suggested a new mix of gluten-free flour, but at this time, without corn meal once some consumers commented that cakes with that flour tasted like cornmeal cake. In addition, we elaborated the diet version (without sucrose) of gluten-free formulas. So, the novel goal was to assess the sensory and temporal profiles and the overall acceptance rate of the new seven different formulas of carrot cakes. The formulas were then evaluated by Descriptive Quantitative Analysis (QDA) with 12 trained panelists and by Time-Intensity Analysis (TI) with 13 trained panelists. The results were analyzed by ANOVA, Tukey test (p<0.05) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). In order to complement the analysis, Global Acceptance was carried out with 120 consumers and its results were analyzed by ANOVA, Tukey (p <0.05) and External Preference Mapping (MPREFE) which informed the descriptive attributes most preferred by the consumers in order to ensure acceptance of the products. Sixteen descriptor terms were defined during QDA study, and only sweet taste attribute underwent temporal study. It was observed that the samples that contained corn meal in its formula were more brittle, sandy, apparently drier, less elastic and less soft. In contrast, the formulas without cornmeal were more adhesive, but with better taste and flavor of carrots, while the standard sample, with gluten and sucrose, was said as being the softest, due to the presence of gluten. Cake samples showed no significant difference for the temporal profile of their sweet taste. The differences observed by the QDA trained panelists were not detected by consumers, who showed good acceptance for all samples with no difference. Furthermore, MPREFE shows that, for consumers, carrot cakes are supposed to be moist and soft, porous and smell sweet. Therefore, it was concluded that the replacement of wheat flour and sucrose in carrot cake is possible and meets consumer expectations. Finally, acceptance of appearance, aroma, flavor, texture and overall liking of the seven samples was evaluated by 120 consumers of carrot cake using the 9cm-linear scale. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, Tukey test (p <0.05), internal preference mapping and dendogram. Furthermore, data of texture parameters such as hardness, adhesiveness, gumminess, chewiness, cohesiveness, fracturability and resilience, water activity and color of the samples were analyzed by Partial Least Square (PLS) in order to determine the influence of instrumental parameters on consumers hedonic acceptance. It was observed that all the cakes were well accepted, except the SGD 1, which sweetness seemed to be questionable. As for the instrumental aspects, cohesiveness and elasticity have influenced the acceptance of products. The other parameters were not relevant to the panelists. Finally, we obtained results for purchase intention using the 5-point-attitude scale. Panelists indicated an interest in buying the cakes, except for the SGD 1 sample


diet avaliação sensorial sucralose gluten carrot cake diet sensory analysis sucralose glúten bolo de cenoura

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