Desafios da formação de sindicalistas na contemporaneidade / Contemporary unionist training challenges


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation seeks to account for changes in work organization in the Brazilian society in the end of the 20th Century, determined by neoliberal policies, which required changes in the resistance strategies from working class. In order to do so, it is studied the process of the so called globalization, which brought new elements to the turning-Century capitalism: financing and global liberalization of economy. The impacts on unionist movement are analysed by retrieving its history and its processes for building leaderships, particularly in face of changes brought by production restructuring in the hybrid transition from an essential Fordist model to a flexible one, the Toyotism. The study focuses the example of the banking class, using the Sindicato dos Bancários do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro Banking Worker Trade Union) as reference. The study subject has concentrated on challenges brought about by the conjuncture, especially on educating a unionist generation in order to be able to face the capitalism empowered by such globalization process. Aiming to understand the challenges on unionist training at present time, the empiric approach is based on interviews with ten directors of the present Executive Board of the mentioned entity, whose first term started on the 1990 decade. The methodological orientation focused the consultation and analysis of printing data, coming mainly from Sindicato dos Bancários do Rio de Janeiro; Contraf/CUT (Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores do Ramo Financeiro da Central Única dos Trabalhadores -- National Confederation of Financing Industry Workers); Dieese (Departamento Intersindical de Estatísticas e Estudos Sócio Econômicos -- Inter-Unionist Agency of Socio-Economic Statistics and Studies); as well as the specialised literature concerning related topics.


trabalho no brasil formação sindical sindicalismo brasil séc. xx globalização brasil central Única dos trabalhadores (brasil) unionism work in brazil unionist training banking workers sindicalismo bancários servico social

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