Democracia participativa nas comunidades carentes cariocas com Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora: Gestão e planejamento democráticos das políticas públicas urbanas / Participative democracy in Rio de Janeiro shantytowns with pleace-bulding police units


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Since the end of the slums removals in Rio de Janeiro, the States main concern in these areas has changed from their urbanization to the issue of violence, especially the drug smuggling. The militarization of the urban violence showed its definite form by the installation of Peace-Making Police Units in poor communities in Rio de Janeiro. Despite immediate positive aspects, the lack of popular participation in the process of occupation of these segregated zones by the State has raised special concerns, not only about the long-term efficiency of the program, but also about the possibility of a highly repressive Police State. This dissertation analyzes the use of democratic administration and planning with the purpose of improving the program of occupation in the favelas, in accordance with the belief that wider political participation can facilitate a maximization of human rights. In order to do this, a detailed study of the history of the political players of these communities is made. Also, the existing and possible instruments of popular participation in Brazilian Law are presented. After the analysis of social and historic aspects that explains the current situation of Rios slums, the author proposes a model of democratic administration which takes maximal advantage of their participation potential.


democracia violência urbana políticas públicas favelas direito participative democracy democratic urban administration urban violence favela peace-building police unit

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