Demandas da escola e necessidades dos alunos do ensino fundamental ciclo I (1 À 4 série) e II (5 À 8 série): Um estudo sobre os ritmos de sono e vigília




Brazilian public schools face, nowadays, many problems in many different aspects. The goal of this study, however, was to investigate how teachers from 1st and 2nd cycles of basic schooling (working, respectively, with 1st to 4th graders and to 5th to 8th ones) deal with students different rhythms of sleepiness and awareness during classes. In order to do so, a qualitative approach was adopted, making use of interviews, answered by teachers, students and their parents. The selected pupils were those that were known to be napping during classes. The analysis showed that teachers do not face pupils sleepiness in classroom as a problem to be solved, as they do with indiscipline or lack of attention. They did not even consider that the origin of students difficulties can be mostly due to a lack of effective teaching training. It was also observed that pupils involved in this investigation were more bored than sleepy, since they had already repeated one or more grades. To review the same subject in the same way that already proved to be ineffective promotes boredom. The fact that there are students repeating grades pointed out that exclusion mechanisms are still present even within a systems that tries to avoid them, as it is the case of the one that has established a continued progression within cycles, involving, each one, till four grades during basic schooling. It is important to mention the urgency and the necessity of creating conditions, in teachers training courses, to form a school professional able to deal with (and to promote learning) with students that have a profile different than that considered ideal. This means to maintain a productive interaction with those students that are actually attending our schools


escolas publicas psicologia educacional sono, adolescência sleepiness public schooling educação pública criancas -- sono adolescence interactionist theories in educational psychology teorias interacionistas em psicologia da educação sono

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