De "caldeirão do diabo" a "paraíso ecológico": a conversão da Ilha Grande


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




After 1994, when Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) became the new guardian of land and buildings that originally belonged to the extinct Penal Cândido Mendes Institute in Dois Rios Village, Grande Island/RJ, the University expanded and intensified its activities in the Island by creating the Centre for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development (CEADS). Considering the high socio-environmental relevance of the Verde Coast and in particular, the Grande Island, as well as the commitments undertaken by the university through CEADS, the objective of this study was to evaluate how a new management model for this campus can contribute to the establishment of public policies to promote he socio-environmental sustainability. Starting with a socio-environmental diagnosis of the Verde Coast, with emphasis on the Grande Island, a critical analysis was carried out about the territorialisation processes in Dois Rios village, with identification of the socio-environmental priority problems by using the Causal Chain Analysis methodology. The main root causes identified related to the priority problems in the Grande Island were governance failures (difficulty to implement agreements and social mobilization; failure in articulating different government levels, including environmental concerns into public policies; impunity; corruption; precariousness in the command-and-control system), as well as political causes (conflicts between different public institutions). It was also found that the local management institutions are apart from the centres of knowledge generation, which are acting in the region, among them, UERJ, through CEADS. Starting with a stronger institutional engagement and an environmental policy put on as the main management strategy for the whole UERJ, it is proposed that CEADS becomes an eco-campus, making possible to the university to contribute in a pro-active way, to promote the sustainability in the Verde Coast, without excluding the local population, at the same time implementing a deep reflexion and reformulation of its current practices. Keywords: Tourism; Causal Chain Analysis; Territory; Eco-campus; sustainability.


territory eco-campus sustainability ilha grande turismo análise da cadeia causal território ecocampus sustentabilidade ciencias biologicas política ambiental - ilha grande, baía da (rj) ilha grande, baía da (rj) - condições ambientais desenvolvimento sustentável - ilha grande, baía da (rj) tourism causal chain analysis

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