Da deficiência mental à inibição : um estudo a partir da contribuição da psicanálise / MENTAL DISABILITY TO INHIBITION: A STUDY BASED ON THE CONTRIBUTION OF PSYCHOANALYSIS




The interest in a research on cognitive deficits began when a concern about the practices that should be implemented with people diagnosed with intellectual disabilities appeared. The proposal of the research was, therefore, to show how psychoanalysis understands the intellectual deficit, moving away from theories that propose only an adjustment of the subjects without considering the desire and the effects of such practices on subjectivity and education. Thus a general objective was established: To analyze the intellectual disability from the concept of the subject constituted by the desire, and the implication of this assertion in the field of education. And as specific objectives: To contextualize the historical construction of the concept of disability in conjunction with the concept of childhood; to define the concept of intellectual disability for psychoanalysis from Freud s concept of inhibition, to analyze the implications of intellectual inhibition in education from the concept of Maud Mannoni. In the accomplishment of this work, the bibliographic approach was used and the chosen methodology was qualitative, once investigates issues that are related to subjectivity. Psychoanalysis was elected as the theory that guided the conclusions of the work. Freud has shown inhibition as related to the Oedipus complex and to knowledge. Mannoni and Lacan have debated the disability as a symptom that protects the mother from the truth about castration, leaving the child to be identified as a maternal object. Such considerations point to the intellectual deficit as a psychological problem, and not just an organic one. In the educational field, a debate on the intellectual deficit was observed, although it was reduced to a simplistic educational practice and a misuse of psychoanalysis. By including psychoanalysis in the discussions on developmental disability, there could be an opening to critical thinking regarding the classical concepts and the duality between normality and illness could be left behind, as this theory emphasizes the uniqueness of the subject. Key-Words Disability, Inhibition, Psychoanalysis, Education.


tratamento e prevencao psicologica inibiÇÃo - dissertaÇÕes psicanÁlise - dissertaÇÕes deficiÊncia mental - dissertaÇÕes

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