Da antropologia pragmática à antropologia bioética: o princípio da prudência-ponte dirimindo o reducionismo em bioética pertinente à vida humana no nível molecular


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis aims to demonstrate that there is a reductionism in bioethics and this comes out as one of three ways: a) topological; b) proximity; and c) life secularization. These three forms of reductionism hinder a definition of a moral status and also a prudential deal of the genetic materials and human embryos. Thus, there is a quickly advance of biotechnology and its intrinsic relationship to the world of politics, economy and science which has generated a new form of commercial activity, namely, the human life at the molecular level. This raises new questions. Among them, one can highlight the following: does the human genetic material have a prize or value? Aiming at the solution of this question, one considers the rescue of the hypothetic imperative of prudence, of Kantian matrix, can constitute the foundation of bioethics anthropology, and, from this point, could equalize the relationship asymmetric between researches, at one side, and genetic materials and human embryos, on the other side. To this end, the prudence principle should be understood as prudence-bridge and have, accordantly, emphasized its reflexive and predictive character. At first, we will present the meaning of prudence in Kantian architectonic, pointing the proximity between bioethics issues and cosmopolitanism. Our object will address the definition of the place and role of prudence in Kantian system, showing its characteristic weak hypothetical imperative located between dexterity (skill) and moral, and therefore, consisting on the prudence-bridge principle. After that, we will use this principle in order to evidence and settle the reductionism in bioethics. At this second moment, we will weave a debate among authors of bioethics, pointing to the fragile foundation of their arguments reared from Kants moral works, whether in favor of embryo manipulation or against it. Finally, prudence-bridge will be justified as the necessary condition to support an bioethics anthropology, which has molecular human live attached to its object and not merely elective.


filosofia filosofia antropologia bioÉtica kant, immanuel - crÍtica e interpretaÇÃo reducionismo prudÊncia (filosofia) antropologia filosÓfica

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