Impactos do princípio da dignidade humana no direito a vida do embrião




The theme of this M.A. dissertation is the analysis of the impact of the principle of dignity of human beings regarding the right to life of embryos, in face of new scientific techniques in the field of biomedicine. Initially, the approach is on ethical aspects of bioethics and its importance to the bio-law, highlighting the need of specific and comprehensive regulation on the theme. It follows considerations about the embryo right to life as a personality right, comprising history, concept, juridical nature and characteristics of said institute. The principle of dignity of the human being and its constitutional interpretation are analyzed focusing on the embryo right to life. Assisted human reproduction is approached, especially regarding the aspect of the destination given to the superpopulation of embryos, arising from in vitro fertilization. Scientific experiments are approached under the aspect of allowing the use of live human embryos for research and therapeutic purposes; the possibility of cloning a human being is treated concerning ethical consequences. Genic therapy, which enables manipulation of somatic and germinative cells, is analyzed focusing the possibility of correcting anomalies or infirmities, or changing a human being genetic code, with consequences to future generations


criancas por nascer (direito) direito right to life of embryos direito e biologia feto -- leis e legislacao -- brasil direito à vida do embrião

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