Cursos de licenciatura em computaÃÃo: a formaÃÃo do educador em anÃlise / Course Graduation of Computing: the training of educators in the analysis




The theme of this dissertation is the formation of educators coursing a graduation of computing. The analyzed question is: departing from pedagogical projects in Information Technology courses, what are the challenges to the formation of future educators? The goal of this paper is to present some elements of pedagogical projects in three courses graduation of computing, respectively at Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Universidade Federal Rural do Pernambuco (UFRPE), and Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS), and to analyze whether or not they meet the curricular requisites. The dissertation highlights the relevance of undergraduatesâ formation in a graduation of computing. The method consists in Literature Review of official documentation of Higher Education institutions, mainly documentation of politic-pedagogical projects for each of the above-mentioned courses. As an outcome of this investigation, the weight given by each of these institutions to basic, specific and pedagogical disciplines is also analyzed. The analysis reveals which of these courses puts greater emphasis on the pedagogical or on the technological aspects in the formation of future educators. Ideally, the formation of educators coursing Information Technology at the undergraduate level should encompass knowledge that might excel its technical and didactic dimensions, and that would promote adequate formation as the sum of all dimensions of the pedagogical project. The backstage in the formation of an educator is the need to overcome the technical/didactic dichotomy. Results show the need of promoting a better qualified and committed formation of future educators in Information Technology, that would allow a precise alignment between undergraduate formation and curricular goals.


projetos pedagÃgicos licenciatura em computaÃÃo formaÃÃo do educador pedagogical projects graduation of computing educatorsâ formation educacao

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